Model Mintaka, body color "sky blue", tropical wood and polarized lenses mirror in blue pin.
Mensa model, translucent blue body, pins in timber and polarized lenses mirror effect in gold-colored fuel.
Tucana, PIN in tropical wood, 'Wild' color body and lenses polarized black classic model.
Model Indus, black body, pins in timber and polarized lenses mirror effect color red fuel.
Meissa, 'wild' body, pin model in tropical wood and polarized lenses effect gradient Brown wood.
Model Ankaa, body wild color and silver metal mount, PIN in tropical wood and polarized lenses blue mirror effect.
Model Delta, black body, PIN in wood Bamboo and polarized lenses mirror in silver effect.
Model Rotja, vintage red body, pin Bamboo and polarized lenses in gold-colored fuel wood.
Model Altair, body in white color, with lenses polarized blue mirror effect and PIN in Bamboo wood.
Merak, lenses polarized mirror color model "Golden Fire", black body and PIN in Bamboo wood.
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"Committed to the environment"
Glasses Bamboo wood and solar chargers with extra battery iSun.
Products 100% sustainable to the planet, a green fashion apuntate with iSun!